On a Mission to ‘Activate’ the Bay Area’s Charitable Foundations Behind the Tech Needs of Its Black-Led Nonprofits

It didn’t take long for Darrell Booker to impact one of the largest tech corporations in the world: Microsoft.  In […more…]


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Corporate Affairs Specialist
Nonprofit Tech Acceleration for Black and African American Communities: Darrell Booker


The NTA for Black and African American Communities program provides nonprofits with technology grants and technical consulting to help increase the impact of their missions.

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In 2021, technology is a key indicator of a high-performing organization. Our partnership with Microsoft is the first step in helping our funded providers achieve technological acumen so they can implement technology in an effective manner. As their technological landscape becomes more efficient, they will have more time for the high touch/quality interactions with their clients, which are catalytic for transformation of their clients’ lives.
Stephanie Sylvestre
Chief diversity and inclusion officer,
Children’s Trust